Success story : collaboration between IDHEAP and CB Multilingual
CB Multilingual was entrusted with the translation of the IDHEAP model of public administration, entitled “Comprendre et concevoir l’administration publique. Le modèle de l’IDHEAP” (“Understanding and designing public administration. The IDHEAP model”), which has just been published.
This was a long-term translation project, which took place between mid-2021 and the end of 2022. The mandate included the translation of around 30 contributions by various authors from the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP) of the University of Lausanne. Within the framework of this project, CB Multilingual translated a total of 400 standard pages into French and German.
IDHEAP at a glance
The Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration –IDHEAP– was founded in 1981 and since 2014 has been part of the Faculty of Law, Criminal Sciences and Public Administration of the University of Lausanne. It is the largest academic and interdisciplinary institution for training, research and expertise in Switzerland, entirely and exclusively dedicated to the public and parapublic sector.
The IDHEAP model of public administration presents the essential elements of the public administration system and its environment from a practical perspective, offers solutions and advice for the design of public administration from a systemic, dynamic and holistic perspective and provides case studies as tools for the concrete application of the model in public administration.
Interview with IDHEAP on the collaboration with CB Multilingual
We have spoken to Yves Ammann, Research Fellow at IDHEAP, who has been our contact throughout the project, and we are pleased to share with you his views on our continued collaboration:
- What was the purpose of the book on the IDHEAP model?
The idea of developing an IDHEAP model, i.e. a book on important public administration topics, was born. There was also a desire to reach an audience not only in French-speaking Switzerland, but also in German-speaking Switzerland (hence the bilingual publication).
- Why did you choose CB Multilingual?
Your offer seemed to offer the best value for money. Furthermore, you were recommended to me by someone who works in a federal office.
- What is the added value of CB Multilingual?
CB Multilingual has consistently delivered good quality and professional translations. This saved us time and resources.
- Are you satisfied with the service?
I have systematically had your translations checked by the various authors. There were only very few changes, and the authors were generally satisfied or very satisfied. For my part, I am very happy with the collaboration and the way things have gone.
We would like to thank IDHEAP for the trust it has placed in us by entrusting us with the translation of this content into French and German. We are proud to have been able to contribute to the Institute’s high-level training activities and to have discovered at first hand the range of activities, objectives and responsibilities of the actors who carry out their work in the public administration of our country.