Des traducteurs travaillant sur ordinateur en prenant des notes

Certains clients sont prêts à payer plus cher pour une traduction humaine (en anglais)


… au lieu de faire traduire leur contenu rapidement et à moindre coût par une traduction automatique.

In today’s fast-paced, globalised world where translation services are becoming more readily available, some clients are making a conscious decision to invest more in human translation rather than relying on machine translation tools. These clients know that the quality and nuances of a translation can have a critical impact on the success of their messages, projects and businesses.

In this blog post, we explain some of the reasons for this decision and the clear expectations they have of their translation service providers.

Precision and contextual understanding

Machine translation tools are undoubtedly advanced, but they are often unable to capture subtle nuances, cultural contexts and idioms. Clients who are willing to pay more for human translation value the accurate transfer of meanings and consideration of context to avoid misunderstandings.

These clients therefore expect error-free translations that sound fluent and natural. Grammatical errors and stylistic inconsistencies are unacceptable.

Cultural sensitivity

Every language is closely linked to the culture in which it is used. Clients who operate internationally or work on culturally diverse projects want to ensure that their message is conveyed appropriately and respectfully. Human translators are able to take into account subtle cultural differences and facilitate authentic communication.

Clients therefore expect translations that maintain the tone and style of the original message while meeting the linguistic and cultural requirements of the target language.


Translations require specific knowledge of field-specific technical terminology. Consistency of terminology and phraseology is crucial in technical texts to ensure coherence, facilitate understanding and convey clear and reliable information.

Machine translation systems work at sentence level and are unable to ensure the correct selection and consistent use of specialist terminology. Terms that are always referred to in the same way in the source document are translated using different terms in the target texts, which leads to confusion.

Clients working in the technical, medical or legal fields, for example, are looking for translators who have a thorough understanding of specialist terminology in order to deliver accurate translations. These quality-conscious clients expect a target version produced by a professional translator to use the same terms and expressions correctly and consistently throughout the text, taking into account their specific technical vocabulary.

Revision and adaptation possibilities

Another advantage of human translations is the flexibility for revisions and adjustments. Clients often have the opportunity to interact directly with the translators and provide feedback, resulting in an optimised end result.

Open communication

Clients prefer to work with professional linguists when they want to be involved in the translation process, as the direct exchange of any ambiguities or necessary contextual information is essential for them.

Confidentiality and data protection

Some projects require the utmost confidentiality, be they legal documents, medical reports or secret business strategies. Clients are willing to pay for the assurance that their sensitive information will be handled securely.

If you are looking for a reliable translation service provider with an attractive price-performance ratio who can meet all of the above translation requirements, you have come to the right place.

Get in touch with us. We will be happy to advise you without any obligation on your part.