Copywriting: des textes qui font mouche (en anglais)
Unique texts that inform, entertain, enlighten … or simply put: that do exactly what the customer wants. With their creativity and a feeling for the right words, copywriters take care of this balancing act. But what exactly is copywriting? What do copywriters have to pay attention to when creating texts and are there special forms of copywriting? In this article you will find all the answers to these questions.
What is copywriting?
In copywriting, professional copywriters write content based on their clients’ specifications. There are hardly any limits: whether flow texts for blogs or catchy slogans, whether website texts, press releases or social media posts, copywriters find the right words for all possible channels. But the texts have one thing in common: they should trigger certain emotions in the readers; fulfil a purpose. While some inform, others attract customers or encourage purchases, and still others simply bring a smile to the reader’s face.
Like translators, copywriters specialise in certain fields: if fashion is your thing, you might feel less at home in mechanical engineering, for example. With flair, know-how and creativity, they skillfully juggle words to create unique texts that are unlike any other. But what are such texts actually needed for? The next part will shed some light on the subject.
Source: coyot – Pixaby
Copywriting for different channels
Creative texts are mainly used for advertising purposes. Nowadays, however, these can take all kinds of forms and each of them brings with it special peculiarities and requirements.
- Blogs
In order to win over customers and loyal fans, many companies rely on blog articles. Packaged in attractively worded texts, the company informs its readers in this way about everything that is important and of interest to this industry.
- Good reading flow
- Do not stray from the topic
- Clear and easy to read structure
- Do not lose the reader’s interest
- Website texts
Website texts are like a digital business card of a company. On various landing pages, readers can find out who is behind the company, what it does, what its mission is, what products or services it offers, and, and, and …
- No flowing texts that are too long
- Individual, short blocks on various topics
- Clear structure
- Brochures
Despite the internet, brochures have their raison d’être – whether as a company presentation, special edition on specific and current topics or as an annual review.
- Information compactly packaged
- Longer flow texts possible, for example relevant articles
- Social media posts
From Instagram to Facebook to Twitter, from travel to agriculture to the automotive industry, social media has become an integral part of today’s (advertising) culture.
- Immediately arouse the interest of the reader
- Packing information compactly
- Frequent character limits
- Advertisements
Advertisements find their place everywhere, for example posters on the classic advertising pillar, online banners on websites or luminously installed advertisements at Piccadilly Circus.
- Immediately arouse the interest of the reader
- Packing information compactly
- Press releases & newsletters
Whether for the press or newsletter subscribers – press releases and newsletters are very similar in terms of content, because both inform readers about current news that you don’t want to miss.
- No long flowing texts
- Summarise news in a compact and appealing way
- Clear structure
- Texts in videos
Copywriters and their creativity are also in demand for videos. Let’s just think of a TV commercial: the read-out text of the voiceover and the keywords that may appear in the video want to be found.
- Bringing information to the point
- Arouse interest in the viewer
- Find the right keywords
While each channel brings different content and copywriting requirements, there are a few must-haves that all copy shares.
Source: Eleni Afiontzi – Unsplash
What do you have to look out for in copywriting?
Even though copywriters are often given a free hand, there are a few points they should bear in mind when writing texts.
Target group
Who should the text address?
Tone of Voice/Tonality
How should the text appeal to the target group? Funny, flowery, minimalist – or all at once?
Corporate terminology
Which company-specific terms must be used?
What is the text supposed to do? Entertain, enlighten, inspire – or perhaps something else entirely?
The client provides the answers to these questions. Ideally in a style guide that defines information about the company, target groups and tone, and in a glossary that contains company-specific terms. Both documents can be created together with a copywriting agency.
But even without these tools, a copywriter can create texts tailored to the purpose and company. Thorough research of the website and social media channels, for example, can already provide sufficient information on how a company communicates with its customers.
Besides all these challenges, there is also one that has become increasingly important in recent years: search engine optimisation. So-called SEO copywriting is a special discipline. Don’t miss our next blog on this topic.
A good slogan, an appealing web presence or unique social media posts can set you apart from the competition. If you want to leave this creative task to specialists, get in touch with us. As a Swiss copywriting agency, we know exactly what matters.